Case Study

1648 Labs

Affirming the role of the individual in shaping world affairs.
1648 Labs

The 1648 Jeffersonian Dinner Series is a discussion forum that affirms the role of individuals in shaping world affairs. We invite accomplished professionals across international affairs to think critically, deeply, and expansively about the forces shaping our world. By facilitating respectful discourse, we hope to inspire innovative ideas and collaborative action towards a more just, peaceful global order.


The Series takes inspiration from the delegates to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 who redefined the international order after the Thirty Years' War. Just as those individuals came together to reshape a broken world, the 1648 dinners aim to elevate the role of the individual citizen in tackling complex global challenges. In the spirit of those individuals who came together and changed the course of history, the 1648 dinners seek to highlight the enduring impact citizens can have through thoughtful deliberation.

Dinner Discussions
Background papers

Topics explored thus far include phenomena poised to shift the world stage, the future of international cooperation, the implications of artificial intelligence, refugee rights, drug policy reform, and European unity. Upcoming dinners will examine other pivotal issues molding the 21st century. The discussions are held under the Chatham House Rule, allowing participants to speak freely without attribution or affiliation. This private environment fosters candid and insightful discussions, untethered from official stances.
